Hello everyone! I have finally decided to travel to the 4 countries in the great Mekong region. The initial idea was started running in my mind after reading this LP(Lonely Planet) book titled Vietnam,Cambodia,Laos and Northern Thailand (3rd edition - Feb2012). 

"I'm alone but not lonely" - this is the spirit or mindset that a backpacker should always have in their mind no matter how tough the journey ahead is gonna be.I hope that keeping this mindset can be an endless driving force to overcome all the difficulties I may encounter throughout this journey.

Does this sounds challenging? Yes indeed I think for myself, this journey is really much what I am looking forward and really the most anticipating journey in my life so far. It could be milestone or it could be drawback in my journey of life, who knows what is gonna happen next? At least I can prove to myself I can make it after all. Experience will be experience. We only live our live once so there's no turning back. Alas! Let the nature takes it course too! Everything shall be fine. I know I can do it!!! 
The master map courtesy of TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand)


Please feel free to browse through my travelogue and comments for improvement are most welcomed. Thank you.

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